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  • What does a 35-year reunion have to do with golf?
    Right around the time I bought my ticket for our 25-year reunion, I was struck by how many people we had graduated with we had lost. Some I'd known for years, other people I had only known by name. An impromptu idea to have a golf tournament to remember their lives raised money to create programs at EBHS that would never come to fruition without our help. We even installed a memorial at Bicentennial Park to honor their memories. But nothing prepared me for the reaction from those closest to these people-friends and families of those who were gone. The response I received from people when assured that their son, or daughter, or brother, or sister, or friend were still in our hearts after all these years had a profound- and unexpected- affect on me. With this in mind, the morning after the tournament/reunion, I made a promise to many that I'd do it all again for our 30-year reunion. Five years later, here we are again for the Third Quinquennial (every five years) EBHS Memorial Golf Tournament, creating a celebration as a day-long EVENT! Even if you don't play golf, we invite to to Tamarack to join us as a spectator- you'd be amazed at how much fun it is to cheer on the participants!
  • Why are we having the reunion at a golf course, THEN at a hotel?
    Because we're learning. At the 30-year reunion, a number of people asked why we weren't doing the reunion in East Brunswick. At the time, Tamarack wasn't able to provide what we they can! Meanwhile, the opportunity to have the "reunion" part at the East Brunswick Hilton allowed people to reserve a room at the same venue as the party, giving guests the opportunity to come and go throughout the night as they please.
  • Why does the reunion include a spectator ticket to the golf tournament?
    Again, because we're learning. Ten years ago, the inaugural golf tournament was designed for golfers. What WASN'T expected was the sheer amount of SPECTATORS that came out to watch the tournament, or just hang out with old friends. Later that night, many people at the reunion heard stories of the fun the SPECTATORS had all day, and remarked that "Oh, I wish I'd have known. I would have gone..." Five years ago, those arriving early for the reunion caught a little bit of golf as well...when they weren't drinking from the three kegs scattered around the course! Well, now you know!
  • How did you arrive at the cost of the reunion?
    Through much difficulty! The first priority was the reunion- how can we make it an affordable event, yet get the most bank for our buck? Traditionally, most reunions can cost upward of $150. (And that's before considering travel/lodging, etc.) We wanted to do something a bit more realistic. The first step was NOT hiring a comany to do the work for us. We started with over 300 members of the EBHS89 Facebook Group- that's 45% of our graduating class right there! The challenge is that the venue obviously has to make this case, The East Brunswick Hilton offered us a reasonable deal, due to Marcie's shrewd negotiating skills!
  • How did you arrive at the cost of the golf tournament?
    First rule...this is a FUND RAISER!!! So we have to find a venue that can offer a competetive price for the golf tournament, while still making enough money to donate to the EBEF. The $150 fee covers both, and is a typical and reasonable fee for a golf tournament. The second challenge was to understand that those playing golf AND attending the reunion would be asked to pay for both. So a decision was made to give them a little bit of a break when buying a "combo ticket."
  • How do you reconcile drink options for those who don't drink versus those who do?
    There's a delicate dance that has to be choreographed to make sure that the venue hosting the event makes enough money to warrant the hosting, while at the same time bringing the cost of the event low enough for the attendees. Historically, the reunion costs are high, which leads to finger-pointing at the bar costs. Non-drinkers wonder. "Why am I paying for others to drink, when I'm just having a Diet Coke?" A "cash bar" allows for those who want to drink to drink to their heart's content...responsibly, of course!
  • What happens if it rains?
    We get wet! Unless the course closes for lighting, we play through. The reunion itself will be both inside the clubhouse and outside under a that shouldn't be much of an issue. If the course closes, rainchecks will be issued for golfers to play again on another date. We understand that this may be fine for local golfers, but not for those coming in from out of town. But please understand, this is a FUND RAISER!!! Golfer entry-fees are DONATIONS to the EBEF. In appreciation for those donations, we give back the opportunity to play golf. But the focus should be on the donation being made...not for the cool stuff you get back.
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